NAV Directions

Sage CTO Himanshu Palsule out

Jodi Uecker out 10/5 Interim President

Craig Kampel out VP of Sales & Service for mid-market

Sage Partners of the Year

Sage Launches Global Partner Program and NA Partner Program –  higher commission on subscription products and shifted tiers up

300 Sage jobs in Dublin

Microsoft Moving Ignite out of Chicago

Classic #MSIgnite post from Don Jones dot com


David Gersten LinkedIn / David Gersten Twitter / Bond Consulting Services


Greg Kaupp LinkedIn / Greg Kaupp Twitter / ArcherPoint

Traction by Gino Wickman

Hal Howard LinkedIn / Hal Howard Twitter / Komiko / Hitachi Solutions

Association of Dynamics Professionals

Peter Wolf LinkedIn / Peter Wolf Twitter

Chad Sogge LinkedIn / Chad Sogge Twitter

Jeff Trosen LinkedIn

VeraSage Institute

Enterprise Software Podcast Summit Video Recap

Darcy recaps her #INreno15 experience via WSP Blog

@EPSWPodcast tweet from table in Reno with Hal as guest


Micrsoft Dynamics US FY16 Kick Off Sponsors

Tribridge Joins NetSuite Solution Provider Program

Sage/MYOB lawsuit dropped

TM Duffy out at Acumatica – running advanced MYOB practice in AUS

Sage One Guerilla Marketing at Xero conference

Martin Olsen LinkedIn

Martin Olsen Twitter

eOne Solutions


Martin Olsen Open Letter to Microsoft on Convergence 2016

reIMAGINE 2015

Smartner Party 2015

The Quay Restaurant


Calcasieu Private Dining

Strategic Leadership Association

Avalara Sage Summit Party

Ed Kless Twitter

Sage Summit Keynotes Replay

Microsoft booth at Sage Summit

90 Minds Group

Wayne Schulz Twitter

Wayne Schulz LinkedIn

Sage Live

Abbott’s Lobsters in the Rough

Peter Wolf, Azamba Inc. LinkedIn / Twitter

Jim Woodhead, DSD Business Systems LinkedIn / Twitter

La Boca


Microsoft Layoffs and Nokia Writeoff

Layoffs but more H1B visas

Microsoft has sold 2 businesses – both at a loss

Doug Kennedy joins Netsuite

WPC offering Day Passes for a mere $795